Free for all females and males aged 9 to 26.
At a cost for females and males aged 27 to 45.
HPV vaccine helps protects against a virus that causes several cancers affecting both men and women, such as cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina, and anus in women, or cancers of the anus and penis in men and possibly throat cancers for both men and women. The vaccine is also effective at preventing genital warts.
You will find good information about HPV, availability of the vaccination (which includes it being offered at most schools, usually in Year 7 and 8), and commonly asked questions, on the HPV New Zealand website and the Health Navigator website.
Free for all females and males aged 9 to 26.
At a cost for females and males aged 27 to 45.
Vaccination against HPV has been available in NZ since 2009 and everyone who is eligible should have it.
80% of unvaccinated adults will pick up HPV at some point in their life. In most people, it causes no symptoms (you won’t know you have it) so is therefore unavoidably shared mainly through sexual (including oral) skin-to-skin contact.
HPV vaccination, ideally before ever having sex, is the first line of defence and the most effective way of preventing HPV.