Suicide Prevention and Postvention
Suicide Prevention and Postvention
Our position is that one suicide is one too many
- Suicide prevention is everybody’s responsibility. Everyone can have a role in promoting wellbeing, minimising harm and assisting those in crisis.
- The Waikato DHB aims to reduce suicide and deliberate self-harm.
- Strengthening mental health and wellbeing in the Waikato will make a positive difference in people’s lives.
- The Waikato District Health Board has an action plan which promotes collaboration between the Waikato DHB, communities and other agencies. The actions will be done with government and non-government agencies, community and volunteer sectors.
How to contact us
Location: Waiora CBD, 87 Alexandra Street, Hamilton
Business hours: 8am-4pm
Email: suicideprevention@waikatodhb.health.nz
Phone: 07 839 8899 ext 96153
Text and Call: 027 353 1470