Surgery in the Waikato
Surgery in the Waikato
Find out what to expect when having surgery or a procedure at Waikato Hospital, and how you and your whānau can prepare for this.
Preparing for surgery
Learn how making changes to your health and medical conditions can lead to a safer surgery.
Recovering from surgery
Learn what to expect after your surgery and what you can do to improve your recovery.
Children having surgery
Information for children, parents, and caregivers on what to expect when coming in for an operation.
Information about anaesthesia
Explore the different options that might be offered to keep you safe and comfortable during your surgery or procedure.
The day of your surgery
Learn what will happen on the day of your surgery.
Getting around the hospital
Learn where to park, how to find your way to DOSA (Day of Surgery Admission unit) and to the different surgical wards where you might go after surgery.
Surgery at Thames
Learn what to expect when having a procedure at Thames Hospital and where to find your way to the ‘Day Stay Unit’.
Patient support
Learn about what support is available for you and your whānau.