There is funding available through HWD, if you meet the following criteria:
- You are a registered nurse (RN) or registered midwife (RM who is also an RN)
- Hold a current annual practicing certificate (APC).
- Be currently employed as an RN or RM by a health service that is funded by a Health NZ Waikato or the Ministry of Health from Vote Health.
- Work .6 or above (equivalent to 3 days per week or more)
- Be a NZ citizen or hold a NZ residency permit as conferred by the NZ Immigration Service.
- Have supporting evidence from current employer to meet training requirements.
- Meet the criteria required by education/ tertiary provider.
- Application completed fully within application time frame.
- A career plan is developed with clinical nurse manager or nurse educator to ensure that education is appropriate to scope, level of practice and role.
- Priority will be given to areas of high workforce development need. A priority framework is on the Health NZ Waikato HWNZ website to inform applicants of the areas which will be considered first for funding.