Waikato Hospital
Waikato Hospital
Waikato Hospital is located at Pembroke Street in Hamilton. It is a tertiary, teaching hospital that provides all hospital services (with the exception of organ transplants), plus clinical diagnostic and support services including radiology, laboratory and pharmacy. It provides tertiary services for the Midland region comprising the district health boards of Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Lakes, Tairawhiti and Taranaki.
- The hospital has around 722 inpatient beds, 22 operating theatres and a dedicated outpatient clinic and procedure centre.
- All diagnostic and treatment facilities are on one large campus called Waiora Waikato Hospital Campus in Hamilton which is central location within the tertiary health region, with road and air ambulance support. Services and specialties based at Waikato Hospital are listed under their own name in our A-Z Services.
- Its clinical specialties include internal medicine, oncology and haematology, surgical services, paediatrics, gynaecology and obstetrics, emergency and critical care, radiology and anaesthetics.
- It is a teaching hospital with links to the University of Auckland, University of Waikato and Wintec (Waikato Institute of Technology). The campus includes an education centre with excellent library, and a clinical skills centre with a clinical simulation suite. It offers research opportunities and many specialties have their own research unit.
Read more in Learning & Research
Location and contact details
Waikato Hospital location for address, directions, campus map, parking and transport, public amenities and shops, accommodation, visiting times, wards and clinic locations.
Phone 07 839 8899 for all hospital departments and services.
Main clinical buildings
- Acute Services Building - Acute Medical Unit, medical and respiratory wards and Emergency Department
- Elizabeth Rothwell Building - women's and children’s wards and clinics
- Lomas Building - cancer treatment and care services, MRI
- Meade Clinical Centre - clinics, medical procedures, critical care and access to theatres
- Menzies Building - surgical wards, renal, haematology and oncology wards
- Older Persons and Rehabilitation – specifically designed facility with wards and clinics
- Waiora Waikato Centre (also referred to as Waiora Building) - clinical offices and some clinical support and allied health services.