Mental Health Service for Older People (MHSOP)
Mental Health Service for Older People (MHSOP)
This service is for tangata whaiora over the age of 65 years.
We aim to conduct initial assessments in the tangata whaiora place of residence. The team consists of community mental health nurse, consulted registrar, social workers, psychologists, occupational therapists and a community support worker.
Ward Older Persons and Rehabilitation (OPR1) is located at 214 Pembroke Street, Hamilton, Level B2, Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building, Waikato Hospital.
Outpatient clinics are located at 214 Pembroke Street, Hamilton, Level B1, Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building, Waikato Hospital.
Phone: (07) 839 8603
Fax: (07) 839 8737
Crisis Service
Mental Health Service for Older People aims to provide an urgent response to all tangata whaioraover 65 years during the hours 0830 – 1630 (4.30pm) Monday – Friday from 8am to 4pm. For an urgent response outside these hours, please contact the Crisis Assessment and Home Based Treatment Team (CAHT) on 0800 50 50 50
This service is often provided in conjunction with the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team.
Key personnel
Heather Chase
Charge Nurse Manager/Team leader
Dr Colin Patrick
Clinical Director
214 Pembroke Street, Hamilton
Older Persons and Rehabilitation Building, Level B1
Phone: 07 839 8603
Fax: 07 839 8737
Entry criteria
- Adults aged 65 with significant mental health problems. This includes tangata whaiora who have a mental health history and have not had any contact with Adult Mental Health Service in Waikato DHB within the last year. Adults of any age with an established diagnosis of dementia, complicated by significant behavioural and psychological symptoms (BPSD).
Tangata whaiora with uncomplicated dementia with significant physical assessment requirements should be referred to Older Persons and Rehabilitation Service (OP&R)
Tangata whaiora with acute confusional states (delirium) should be referred to General Medicine or OP&R.
Who can make a referral?
Referrals are accepted from all sources. However, we prefer the involvement of the general practitioner (GP).
All referrals are assessed on the content of information supplied and treated accordingly.
Urgent referrals - Responded to by phone or person within 24 hours.
Semi-urgent referrals - Responded to by phone or person within 72 hours.
Non-urgent, routine referrals - Responded to by phone or person within one to two weeks.